Truth or Lie, you the reader decide ! (Part 2)

So here is another example of why citizens of Portsmouth should be concerned that their government is acting ethically, morally and follows the law. If City Management and City Police Officers lie in public and to the public they can not be looking out for the citizens they serve nor can they be trusted to “do the right thing”.

Did Mr. Chandler apply for the job in Texas? If you look at the documents that were released by the City of Plano you will see that Mr. Chandler’s resume speaks in first person. Which has also been previously pointed out in the media. Click here to see the January 29th, 2011 Virginia Pilot Online Article.

Chandler Resume is First Person

Chandler speaks in First Person in his resume.

The second clue is that his resume is up to date, you will note it lists his current position as “City Manager (current)”.

First Page of Chandler's Plano Resume showing current position with Portsmouth

First Page of Chandler's Plano Resume Note the "City Manager (current)"

Mr. Chandler is quoted by the Virginia Pilot as saying “he didn’t know he was even being considered for.” “the job”. I find that hard to believe. Below is a section of the Plano City Manager recruiting web page from the web site;

Section from the Affion Website for the Plano City Manager Recruitment

Section from the Affion Website for the Plano City Manager Recruitment

So the big question is how did Mr. Chandler’s resume get emailed to Affion?

Portsmouth deserves better from it’s Public Servants. Honesty and doing the right thing appear to mean nothing to people in the management of the City of Portsmouth and the Portsmouth Police Department. They are more interested in looking out for themselves or finding Margareta mixers at Police Conferences as the Portsmouth City Attorney Mr. Tim Oksman did when a Police Lieutenant ask via email if anyone needed anything from a Police Conference. Perhaps people find these incidents amusing but they have no place involving the management of the City of Portsmouth or the Portsmouth Police Department. At the least they are inappropriate but it reflects poorly on the City of Portsmouth.

Email sent by City of Portsmouth City Attorney Tim Oksman asking Police Lieutenant to see if they "have any good fronzen margarita mixers" at a Police Conference.

Portsmouth City Attorney Tim Oksman asking about margarita mixers.

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